LOS ANGELES, July 12 /PRNewswire/ -- OTX (Online Testing eXchange), the
leading global consumer research and consulting firm, released results of its
teen study today revealing new facts about teens' attitudes toward
socialization. This first study is part of a new syndicated offering by OTX
and partner eCRUSH, a leading PG-13 social networking site. The Teen Topix
survey taps into the complex lives of the 13 -17 year old set -- what's
important to them, their behaviors, and their outlook on life. 750 teens
across the country were surveyed.
One of the key findings of the study was the insight into the 'teen media
swap.' The study found that 58% of teens sacrifice watching TV for going on
dates, with Internet surfing (54%), playing video games (47%), and listening
to music (42%) taking hits as well.
But "reality" only extends so far. When teens go out on those dates,
they're eschewing free options like cruising (53%) or school events (53%) for
the marketing-laden options of movie theaters (87%), malls (64%) and
restaurants (58%).
"It's this kind of information marketers are looking for," said Bruce
Friend, President of Media and Entertainment Insights for OTX. "Insight into
how and why teens are swapping one activity for another, and where they're
spending their dollars, helps advertisers target them effectively."
What Teens Sacrifice for Dating Where Teens go on Dates
Watching TV 58 % Movie Theater 87 %
Surfing the Internet 54 % Mall 64 %
Playing video games 47 % Restaurant 58 %
Listening to music 42 % School Dance 53 %
Hanging out with Friends 39 % Drive/walk around 53 %
Reading 39 % Park 51 %
Homework 37 % School event (sports,
play, etc.) 49 %
Sleep 34 % Concert/live music 34 %
Family time 32 % Coffee shop 22 %
Playing sports 26 % Professional
sporting events 14 %
Going to religious Town recreational
services 20 % center 12 %
When it comes to rules of dating, gender differences become clear -- while
66% of all teens say their parents impose dating rules, only 49% of boys are
subjected to rules, compared with 83% of girls. As to the rules of
attraction, jocks, bad boys, and adventure seekers rule the hearts of today's
teens. 31% of all teens said they're attracted to "jocks" such as Nathan on
the CW's One Tree Hill or Claire on NBC's Heroes. 30% of girls also prefer
"bad boys" like Michael on Fox's Prison Break, and 28% of boys like
adventurous women such as Veronica on the CW's Veronica Mars.
"Teens are ready and willing to speak their minds. The challenge is
reaching them at the right time, on their terms, to gain relevant insights for
a marketers' business," said Amy Gibby, President of eCRUSH. "The OTX/eCRUSH
collaboration is totally unique -- tapping into the power of eCRUSH's teen
social networking engine and stewarded by OTX, the teen research market leader
-- to deliver faster, cost-efficient and in the end more useful teen
The Teen Topix study is designed to take the pulse of teenagers on hot
topics of the day. Future studies will focus on topics such as a summer movie
wrap-up, teen buzz for the new fall TV shows, and holiday shopping plans.
The syndicated teen study is only one portion of the partnership between
the two companies, who will also be conducting custom studies and jointly
building a teen mobile panel for real-time, efficient access to this demo.
"In this ever-evolving technological landscape, we have to constantly
invent new ways to reach teens. This partnership between OTX and eCRUSH offers
The N and teen marketers a cool, new way to research this elusive
demographic," said Radha Subramaniyam, Vice President, Research and Planning,
MTV Networks Kids and Family.
About OTX (Online Testing eXchange)
OTX (Online Testing eXchange) is a global consumer research and consulting
firm that has established itself as a leading provider of online-based
research. The company specializes in providing innovative, cutting-edge online
technology, products and analysis to the marketing, entertainment and
advertising communities. OTX has developed the most innovative products
available for online research today - products that work to uncover deeper and
more profound consumer insight. Today, the company is one of the fastest
growing research companies in the United States and has offices in Los
Angeles, New York, Cincinnati, Miami, Chicago and London, with strategic
partners in Australia and China.
About eCRUSH
The eCRUSH Network, acquired by Hearst Magazines Digital Media in January
2007, is a group of PG-13 sites related to universal truths of crushing,
flirting, and all forms of teen connectivity.
-- eCRUSH(R) is the original "crush" site -- a way for users to find out
anonymously if someone they like feels the same about them, with no
chance of rejection. The site launched on Valentine's Day 1999, and has
matched close to 1MM users.
-- eSPIN(R) is a profile-based site that offers the old junior-high game
with a modern twist. Designed with safety in mind (all youth
submissions are screened to remove any personally identifiable
information and inappropriate content before they can be posted), this
is the premier way for gen-Y to connect, flirt and make new friends
online. Launched in 2001, eSPIN-the-Bottle(TM) has over 2,500,000 users
and is growing rapidly.
-- HighSchoolStyleBoard is a photo-rating site with a few new twists.
Users can post photos in numerous categories, such as "Best Hair" and
"Preppiest." Multiple votes per page and an extensive "Top 500" list in
each category keeps users returning to this site.
-- Surveys4Teens is an email based resource for teens who are interested
in age-appropriate research. Surveys4Teens has a unique audience of
over 250,000 teens.
For more information contact:
Ajay Durani

Lindsay Galin
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